Sunday, August 21, 2016

End of Summer Blues

It seems that, for the time being, I have lost my crafty oomph!

Maybe it's the long stretch of heat and humidity, maybe it's knowing I have to go back to work in one week, maybe it's just the end of summer blues.

Or maybe it's the HUGE nest of yellow-jackets that have taken up residence in the trim boards of my cottage!!  Not only am I allergic, I am over-the-edge petrified of flying insects that sting!

I can barely even look at those kinds of insects, let alone work in my cottage knowing they're swarming inside the wall!

My husband has been working on getting rid of them on his own, although I'm all about getting an exterminator!  I'm giving him a deadline though; if they're not totally and 200% gone within the next day or so, I'm calling the tough guys with weapons!

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