Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Theme Trees, Part 2

The other day I showed you the beginning phase of my latest craft...theme trees.

What is a theme tree, you ask?   I like to think of them as a rustic, folk artsy wooden tree, adorned with a variety of beautiful papers, that stand for something you love.  For instance, I LOVE birch trees, so I might display this theme tree on a shelf...

This folk art tree stands about 11 to 12" tall, is stained a chocolate brown, and has slightly distressed edges.  I've attached gorgeous birch tree paper to the front, which represents peace and tranquility for me.  

There will be trees with color themes, holiday themes, hobby themes (think fishing); I use whatever I love, and let me tell you...I LOVE paper!  

This is the batch of theme trees that I've "grown" so far, and I can't wait to do another "planting".  They'll be "planted" (enough of that!)  in my Etsy shop soon.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wood and Paper, One of My Favorites

Hmmm...what ever can I be making next?!

We shall see!

One hint = Christmas trees maybe? ;-)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Blue and White, White and Blue

Classic blue and white mini envelopes; these are gift card size, just right for enclosing a gift card.  You can't go wrong with these beauties!

PS...In case you've clicked on "My Etsy Shop" and found yourself NOT at my shop, it's because I'll be on vacation for a week, starting today til next weekend.  I've put my shop on "Vacation Mode";  I'll be back though, so please stop back!  

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One More Today

Before I call it a day, here are just a few more listings from my shop. Thanks for stopping by!

Working with paper is one of my favorite things to do! (Ya think?)

Each envelopes measures 3" x 3" and comes with a blank note-card to which you can add your own personal message.  Having a set of these minis on hand is such a great idea; use them for just about any occasion!

The pendants are one of a kind, no two are exactly alike.  

For these pendants (one of my favorite items), I use industrial metal washers and hammer them to add texture.  I then add either gorgeous paper topped with a clear, protective glaze, or I wire wrap them with/without beads.

'Night.  Sweet dreams.  

Well, hi!

Welcome to my crafting blog where I'll be sharing the items I create on a fairly regular basis.  I've also added a link to my Etsy shop...From My Cottage...if there's anything you'd like to purchase.  If not, that's perfectly okay; I love sharing photos filled with color!

Below are just a few of the latest additions to my shop.  Enjoy!

Each of these sets of eight (8) mini envelopes sells for just $5.00, plus $3.90 shipping.  These cuties measure 3" x 3" and comes with a blank white notecard to which you can add your own personal sentiment.  Feel free to visit